
Role of Quantum Computing in Advancing AI

Role of Quantum Computing in Advancing AI by Meghan Nandgaonkar, Head of JDU, Fujitsu on the impact of AI in high end operations of enterprises

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The potential convergence of two revolutionary technologies holds the potential to completely transform the technology sector. This will affect not only businesses but also individuals and society at large, by ushering in a new era of innovation and economic transformation. Quantum computing will supercharge the growth of AI in the future. This collaboration has the power to change the world.


Since the late 2022 boom in generative AI, the world has been captivated by the potential of AI to produce human-like text, images and even conversations. The rapid advancements in this field have exceeded expectations, fuelling a growing demand for even more powerful and efficient AI systems. However, as AI technologies evolve, so do the computational demands required to support them. This is where quantum computing steps in, offering unique capabilities to solve some of AI’s most complex challenges, from speeding up machine learning models to enhancing data security. The combination of AI and quantum computing could redefine the way we develop and apply AI in real-world scenarios.

With rapid advancements in the field of quantum computing, this moment is likely to arrive sooner than we anticipate. Hence it is important to understand the potential and be prepared for maximizing the potential of this convergence.

How Quantum Computing will Advance AI 


Quantum Computing will offer vast computational capacity and unique architecture to solve intricate optimisation problems. By leveraging the concepts of Superposition and Entanglement, it could enable AI systems to process vast datasets and identify patterns at much greater speeds than possible with classical computers. In my view, Quantum computing heralds an era of transformation in AI, particularly reshaping machine learning and predictive capabilities.

  • Enhanced results Quantum computing relies on qubits, which allow for the processing of multiple possibilities simultaneously - a feat impossible for classical computers. This parallelism means quantum computers can perform calculations at astonishing speeds, significantly enhancing AI’s ability to manage and process massive datasets. This is particularly valuable to speed up training of AI models. It will also transform AI tasks such as image recognition, natural language processing, and predictive analytics. For instance, quantum versions of machine learning algorithms like k-means clustering and support vector machines can process data at speeds unattainable by classical computers.
  • Optimisation One of the core challenges in training AI models is optimisation. Quantum computing can tackle these optimisation problems with greater efficiency than traditional computing methods. Algorithms such as the Quantum Approximate Optimisation Algorithm (QAOA) can quickly find optimal solutions, reducing the time needed to train machine learning models. As a result, quantum computing could dramatically shorten training cycles and improve the accuracy of AI models in applications like autonomous vehicles or advanced medical diagnostics.
  • Predictive Capabilities With its ability to process large data sets with efficiency and speed, it can significantly advance use of AI in predictive use cases. AI models using Quantum computers can predict outcomes from large and complex data sets at unimaginable speeds today, such as in case of climate modeling or predicting protein structures.

Practical Applications and Industry Impact    


Quantum-powered AI is likely to make a ground-breaking impact in various industries. In pharmaceutical development, quantum computing can simulate molecular structures with greater precision, speeding up the drug discovery process. By combining quantum simulations with AI models, researchers can better understand molecular interactions, leading to the faster development of new medications. This advancement has the potential to revolutionise healthcare by accelerating the creation of more effective treatments.

In financial services, it can help companies optimise investment portfolios, improve financial modelling and assess risks more accurately. This capability gives businesses a competitive edge in market analysis and fraud detection. Additionally, quantum computing will improve weather forecasting by processing vast datasets more efficiently. AI models enhanced with quantum processing can provide more accurate and timely forecasts, benefiting industries like agriculture and disaster management by allowing them to better prepare for extreme weather conditions. It will also allow governments to quickly simulate the impact of their policy actions or key decisions on climate or even society over the long term and make necessary adjustments.

Challenges and Future Direction 


Despite the potential discussed earlier, one must keep in mind that Quantum computers are still in their infancy. Several challenges still need to be addressed before quantum computing can be used as a reliable alternative to classical computing.

One of the most significant hurdles is Qubit stability (quantum decoherence) and error rates. Qubits are extremely sensitive to their environment, leading to errors in computation. Researchers are working on solutions like the use of ‘logical qubits’ and specialised algorithms to address this. Similarly, with an increasing number of qubits, it becomes extremely challenging to maintain their coherent states and the interactions. Other challenges include the availability of quantum algorithms, specialised and resource intensive infrastructure to operate quantum computing. A great deal of work is needed to develop robust industry standards including interoperability with classical computers; so that the potential of this technology can be truly realized.

However, the future certainly looks very promising. As quantum hardware continues to improve and more sophisticated quantum algorithms are developed, the synergy between quantum computing and AI could accelerate the discovery of new applications and realisation of true machine intelligence, transforming industries and society in profound ways. 



The use of quantum computing in advancing AI represents a new frontier of technological innovation. Quantum computing has the potential to transform the realm of AI, enabling it to solve problems and analyse data in ways previously thought impossible. As research and development in this field continue, we can expect to see even more groundbreaking applications and advancements.

--By Meghan Nandgaonkar, Head of JDU, Fujitsu 


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