
CX module is best for customer engagement - Manish Chandegara, Simpolo

Recently, DQ Channels had an exclusive interaction with Manish Chandegara, CIO, Simpolo Ceramics. He shared insights on their association with SAP, CX model, expansion plans, and more.

Bharti Trehan
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CX module is best for customer engagement Manish Chandegara, Simpolo

Manish Chandegara - Simpolo, CIO

Can you share how SAP services have been integrated into Simpolo operations and the immediate impact it has had on your production and distribution processes?


We, Simpolo, have had SAP implemented since 2016 and we have integrated it into our manufacturing, sales, and finance currently, we are also planning to expand our business. So, we are going to invest 1000 crore rupees into the business, we are into the expansion mode and we have recently gone with the CX, SAP CX to be implemented with us and we are into the phase of implementing CS as well. 

Currently, it is in under implementation phase and we leverage the customer experience, and customer integrations with the SAP we have a plan to enhance our business and growth of business by 20% every year and that is based on the SAP's baseline, I would like to share like that.

How has the digital transformation journey facilitated by SAP altered the company's approach to innovation and customer engagement?


The CX module is one of the best for customer engagement and customer integrations wherein no one else has the facility that SAP CX has. End-to-end customer integrations from B2B, and B2C.

So, like material to be sent to the customer till the sales, sales invoice reaches the materials and the status of the material, all the entire parts have been covered in a CX module.

How critical has the role of SAP's analytics and data management solutions been in driving data-driven decision-making in Simpolo's setup?


Currently, we have not implemented SAP analytics in our setup, but we are on a path to implementing that. We are preparing a data set for implementing analytics tools because implementing any analytics tools you must have data to be ready with you, so we are preparing right now. Yeah, we will have a path to implement data analytics in the next year.

Simpolo has a diverse product range, so how has SAP's technology helped in enhancing these offerings and maintaining market leadership? 

We have SAP implemented since 2016. So, all the transactions, all the interactions with the vendors, with the suppliers, with the customers, with the dealers are available in our SAP platforms.


Through the SAP technology, we could able to easily contact them, help them, and also get the details on the flight. So, it is a robust ERP that helps us to get the details very smoothly and strategically manner. 

In a market that is constantly evolving, how does SAP's framework empower Simpolo to adapt swiftly to changes in customer demands and industry trends?

As the CX is a purely cloud-based platform, recently are few changes have happened in a CX that we are going to incorporate with our implementations. One of them is a DMS, Dealer Management Systems, wherein my older dealer has the entire journey to be recorded and details available on a DMS portal, which is also tightly integrated with the CX platform as well as the SAP S4 platform. So, this is one of the best examples I would like to share here.


How do you envision SAP services involved to support Simpolo's growth and expansion plans, particularly in the international arena?

Here I would like to share that we are into the expansion mode. We wanted to invest 1000 crore in the next coming year. We are also in expansion mode to go for one of the mega plants in nearby Maliyakach, wherein we are going to enhance SAP services, wherein we could see some good expertise from the SAP Generative AI or AI tool to be implemented with my existing dataset, wherein that will help us to get the customer feedback, customer knowledge, customer patent. So, based on that, we can produce the customer choice product in our existing portfolio as well as we can get the enhancement of growth in a concern area.

Which markets you are tapping on apart from India and Asia, have you touched upon, which shows you have touched upon through SAP or in general as well? 


Here I would like to share that we already have one designing center in Italy. We have a tie-up with one of the Italy companies and we have one of the offices available in Italy. We are also seeing good business from Europe as well as US. We are into the mode of international business to be handshake with us. So, we are in that mode also.


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