
Investing in Talent Development -Vikram Manchanda & Vijay Jain, Minfy

Exclusive interaction with Vikram Manchanda, CEO of Minfy Technologies and Vijay Jain, founder and director of Minfy Technologies about their collaboration with AWS.

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Investing in Talent Development -Vikram Manchanda & Vijay Jain, Minfy

How has the partnership with AWS benefited Minfy and how has this collaboration mutually helped in growth and scalability? 


Vikram Manchanda – Minfy’s partnership with AWS has been pivotal in transforming us into a global enterprise, enhancing our market presence starting from India around 7 years back to expansion across the US, Australia, and Southeast Asia. Highlighted by accolades such as the AWS Partner of the Year in India for three years and inclusion in the Financial Times’ list of the fastest 100 growing companies in Asia Pacific, today our portfolio showcases our global reach. We are servicing large multinational corporations in the US, providing digital transformation to major public sector entities like POS Malaysia, and delivering intelligent data applications to Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) in Australia.

AWS’ cutting-edge Cloud technologies have bolstered our ability to deliver comprehensive digital transformations and develop AI-driven intelligent data applications enabling us to deliver industry-specific solutions in healthcare, logistics, and manufacturing with significant impact.

Serving over 500 customers globally, our symbiotic relationship with AWS has propelled technological innovation and excellence, significantly enhancing our infrastructure and managed services.

The recent Strategic Collaboration Agreement with AWS signals a new phase, aiming to accelerate our expansion and reinforce our status as a Cloud-native integrator. This agreement enables us to leverage AWS’ extensive services to innovate and deliver greater value globally, aligning with our strategy to develop proprietary technologies like Swayam. cloud and, fostering deeper engagement with AWS and driving sustained innovation and growth.


What are the investments made in training and certification via AWS?

Vijay Jain – Minfy’s transition from a Born in Cloud company to a Cloud Native Systems Integrator reflects our commitment to staying at the forefront of technology by continuously developing our workforce. Recognizing the shifting market demands towards more sophisticated intelligent data applications, we have significantly invested in enhancing our team’s expertise, particularly in the areas of Data, AI, and Generative AI, as well as in maintaining a high level of mastery in Infrastructure Managed Services.

Our strategic investment in talent development is twofold –


Upskilling Programmes – We have formed partnerships with leading educational institutions like Stanford University in the USA and Plaksha University in India. These partnerships help us deepen our team’s skills in Data and Gen AI, aligning with our commitment to delivering cutting-edge solutions and supporting our global operations.

Finishing School Initiative – Located in Hubli, India, our Finishing School is a 300-seater campus focused on nurturing infrastructure automation skills among new engineering graduates. This initiative is crucial for cultivating the next generation of Cloud-native talent, supporting our growth, and the execution of complex projects across various regions.

These initiatives have yielded impressive results, with Minfy achieving 604 AWS Accreditations and 317 AWS Certifications to date. Moreover, our proficiency has been recognized through the attainment of 9 AWS Competencies, including the AWS Data and Analytics Competency and Energy Competency.


These achievements underscore our dedication to excellence and our ability to meet the high standards required to innovate and lead in the cloud services domain.

By continuing to invest in our people, Minfy not only enhances its service capabilities but also ensures that we remain adaptive and competitive in a fast-evolving digital landscape, fully equipped to meet the needs of our international clientele and to lead digital transformation initiatives across industries.

In terms of upskilling, what are the plans for the upcoming years across different sectors, particularly in the areas of AI/ML and data analytics? 

Vijay Jain – As Minfy continues to evolve as a global leader in Cloud solutions and intelligent data applications, our strategic upskilling initiatives are more crucial than ever. Our plans are designed to not only keep pace with technological advancements but also to anticipate future trends in AI/ML and data analytics, ensuring our team remains at the cutting edge of industry developments.


AWS Cloud Centre of Excellence (CCOE): This initiative is central to our strategy. The CCOE is dedicated to discovering and implementing delivery best practices, focusing significantly on Learning and Development (L&D) in AI/ML and data analytics. This center acts as a hub for advancing skills and knowledge, particularly in these specialized areas, ensuring that our team is well-prepared to tackle the challenges and opportunities presented by new technologies.

Innovation Labs under – Our Innovation Labs are pivotal in producing the best practices identified through the CCOE. These labs are specifically focused on managing and innovating infrastructure, ML, and GenAI solutions. By fostering a culture of innovation and driving efficiency in service delivery, these labs enable us to develop unique, high-impact solutions for our clients.

Ongoing Learning Initiatives – Our My Best Version plan is a programmatic approach to continuous learning and personal development. This initiative ensures that every member of our team is not only updated with the latest technologies but is also encouraged to develop new competencies that align with our strategic goals and client needs.


These planned initiatives are a testament to our commitment to enhancing our capabilities across various sectors, reinforcing our role as a Cloud-native system integrator. By continuously investing in our people and embracing the latest technologies, Minfy aims to lead the charge in digital transformation, empowering our clients to leverage AI and data analytics for substantial business impacts.

The healthcare sector in India is booming, and how does Minfy stand out with its innovation and technologies, compared to other companies? 

Vikram Manchanda – In the rapidly evolving Indian healthcare landscape, Minfy has carved itself a niche in contributing to India’s healthcare transformation through innovative solutions powered by Cloud and intelligent data applications. We are actively engaged with the National Health Authority (NHA) to modernize and host mission-critical applications for PM-JAY and the Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission. This collaboration is pivotal in enhancing public healthcare infrastructure, reflecting our key role in India’s emergence as a global knowledge hub for building digital public infrastructure (DPI).

Minfy is involved in impacting a billion lives in India by deploying scalable healthcare solutions that are both cost-effective and capable of being replicated globally. Our initiatives extend beyond government partnerships to include collaborations with HealthTech startups such as, healthcare service providers such as Max Healthcare and Mahavir Dialysis, healthcare SaaS players, and life sciences companies such as Dr. Reddy.


Leveraging AWS’ specialized healthcare service offerings, such as AWS HealthLake and AWS HealthOmics, Minfy’s data science and AI teams have developed advanced applications that utilize data analytics and AI. These solutions empower healthcare and life sciences professionals with tools for disease risk profiling, streamlining operations, accelerating drug discovery, and enhancing patient outcomes.

Through these multifaceted efforts, Minfy not only addresses the immediate needs of the healthcare sector but also positions itself as a leader in driving healthcare innovation, particularly in the Indian market.

How does Minfy plan to leverage AWS services and technologies to further enhance its solutions and stay ahead of industry trends in the next 5 years?

Looking ahead, Minfy is strategically positioned to deepen our engagement with AWS technologies, which are crucial to our ongoing transformation into a global leader in Cloud solutions and intelligent data applications. Our collaboration with AWS will continue to be a driving force as we implement our growth strategy, focusing on innovation and scalability across multiple sectors.

Minfy aims to leverage AWS’ AI and ML services to enhance capabilities in sectors like healthcare, finance, logistics, and manufacturing, focusing on developing advanced, personalized solutions for significantly improving operational efficiencies. By using AWS’ comprehensive tools for application development and big data analytics, we’ll refine our offerings and expand products like and Swayam MLops, providing tailored, cutting-edge solutions. We plan to explore generative AI and advanced analytics, utilizing AWS’ latest innovations to meet the evolving demands of our global customer base and stay ahead of market trends. Our strategy also emphasizes robust, scalable, and secure Cloud-native solutions, supported by AWS’ continuous advancements in Cloud technologies, ensuring our leadership in digital transformation. 

By aligning our growth strategy with AWS’ technological advancements, Minfy is not just prepared to adapt to future trends but is actively shaping the future of digital solutions across industries. This strategic alignment ensures that we continue to offer superior service and innovation, propelling our clients towards achieving sustainable growth and transformation.

What are the challenges faced while expanding internationally and how has AWS helped to scale and optimise costs?

Vijay Jain – Expanding internationally presents complex challenges, from establishing a brand presence to optimizing sales and delivery processes. However, for Minfy, international expansion was not just a goal but a core component of our growth strategy to become a global entity.

Our journey with AWS began in 2016 when we joined the AWS Partner Network as a Standard Consulting Partner in India. Over the years, our partnership has flourished, in our elevation to Premier Consulting Partner status in 2020 and, most recently, in 2024, being recognized among prestigious Global SCA Partners.

This partnership with AWS has been instrumental in facilitating our expansion into five international markets, including North America, ANZ, Singapore, Malaysia, and the Philippines. The support and guidance provided by AWS in-country leadership in these regions have been helping us navigate the complexities of international expansion. Through programs linked to market development and customer acquisition, AWS has enabled us to mitigate risks associated with branding, sales; and delivery in these new territories.

Our recent recognition as Global SCA Partners signifies a deeper level of collaboration with AWS, promising joint investments in scaling our international marketing efforts. With AWS by our side, we are confident in our ability to overcome the challenges of international expansion and continue our journey toward global success.


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