
Working for Collective Advancement of Association Members

Working for Collective Advancement of Association Members - n interaction with Vasudevan R, President, CONFED-ITA. He talked about empowering the partners associated with it

Swaminathan B
Updated On
New Update
Vasudevan R

Can you provide an overview of CONFED-ITA and its main objectives?


Welfare of all our members is primary to us. Our goal is to find solutions for overcoming the business loss due to more online purchases by end users and to accommodate the business according to them are the main objectives.

CONFED-ITA was started in 2006 and the main reason behind it was Microsoft and their raid.  Can you elaborate it in detail?

Microsoft were conducting raid on almost all of us, as mostly the entire market were full of counterfeit softwares. The original cost of Microsoft was only around Rs 16,000/-, but they were billing us more than Rs 1 lakh after raid as fine. To overcome this, Bloom Electronics Karthikeyan formed a team of 7 associations to fight it back and to safeguard the members.  Subsequently Microsoft came down for discussion, reduced their raids, suggested us to sell through vendors.  In fact, Microsoft’s raid was a spark for this fire. We were only 350 members association in the beginning, but today we are a 1800 + members comprising of several associations.


With 28 associations under its umbrella, how does CONFED-ITA ensure unity and effective collaboration among its members?

7 associations in the beginning have now become 28 associations. Seven associations have now become 7 zones with one zone comprising of 4 associations. We take 2 executive members from each association. We communicate to all only through these EC members. If needed, any member can approach us anytime for any need, however, any communications from us to the members will be only through EC members. This protocol is very smooth without any issues or problems arising, reaching till the last lap of communications.

What are the primary challenges faced by IT traders in Tamil Nadu and across India; and how does CONFED-ITA address these issues?


We have just started doing Tech Summit, which will be highly helpful in business development for vendors. This is our next to step to take along our members to the next level.  We will be doing these summits once in every 4 months and our team is equipping themselves in executing this.

Can you elaborate on the initiatives taken by CONFED-ITA for updating its database and creating a service assistance desk related to warranty?

Our Vice President and Secretary take care of these aspects. We have entrusted the responsibility to the President, Secretaries and EC members of each specific zone to be a moderator and rectify the errors and submit back in another 6 months’ time.


What role does CONFED-ITA play in facilitating better business opportunities for Sub/Regional Distributors, Dealers/SIs, and T3 resellers?

There will be only Tier 2 and Tier 3 Partners involved in facilitating business opportunities.  T1 partners will be a challenging factor. However, we are all together and there is no big business threat.

They should have, if not GST then at least Udyog Aadhar MSME Registration with them.  We initiate this. Then we enable them to join our Member Associations. If their activities seem satisfactory, the President in turn will allow them to be a CONFED member. Currently we are in the process of converting small resellers and service engineers.


Can you discuss any recent successful campaigns or initiatives led by CONFED-ITA?

This Tech Summit 2024 is our successful campaign. We were in fact expecting around 150 members to be part of it, but ultimately we had 360 members enrolled and made this event a grand success.  It really motivates us.  We plan to do 3 more events within this year.

The partners get updates about any changes in technology in our Tech Summits. From now on, they have ample opportunities to join with the manufacturers as a registered partners using the tag of members of our association.


We have made arrangements to give motivational speech session and service awareness session to all our members in their region itself through their region’s President. We are also speaking to companies and they have also assured to cooperate with us in this.

What are the future plans and goals of CONFED-ITA to further support and grow the IT trading community in Tamil Nadu and across India?

Our Goal is to have our annual summit with 800+ members’ participation.  We are seriously thinking whether to have this summit as a family summit in either Mahabalipuram or ITC Hotels.  So far, our association was not much known publicly.  We want to establish our association even in a bigger forum and make the end users to throng with our members for any of their purchasing needs. We want to create an awareness among public.


Our commitment to innovation and collaboration remains unwavering. With plans to introduce new initiatives and strengthen its support mechanisms, the association is poised to elevate the IT trading community to new heights. By fostering unity among its diverse members and championing their interests, CONFED-ITA not only enhances business opportunities but also contributes to the overall growth and sustainability of the IT sector. The journey ahead is filled with promise and under the steadfast leadership of CONFED-ITA, the IT trading community is well-equipped to navigate the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead.

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