
Phalgune Infotech Organises CIO Meet on Cybersecurity

Phalgune Infotech Organises CIO Meet with Phalgune Infotech to create awareness on cybrsecurity issues from internal and external sources in India

Swaminathan B
New Update

Coimbatore based cybersecurity solutions provider Phalgune Infotech organised a CIO meet along with Akati Sekurity in Coimbatore. The event gave awareness among the participants on various aspects of cyber security from both internal and external threats angle.


Welcoming the audience, Krishnakumar Anandan, CEO, Phalgune Infotech; and the host of the event, welcoming everyone introduced Akati to the participants and spoke on the reason for their organisation to introduce Akati to the market in Coimbatore.

Krishna Rajagopal, Group CEO, Akati Sekurity, who flew all the way from Malaysia for the event introduced their various offerings and spoke on wide aspects of incidents where most attacks happen. Not just product demo, the session had live-demonstration with use cases and how Akati as an organisation had addressed them. 

Not just only on features of the solution, Krishna had also explained in detail, some of the real-time case studies across the world on various types of breaches. He also mentioned how Akati Sekuriy has successfully helped top banks and other businesses around the globe in detecting, responding and containing data breaches.


Incident Response and Cyber Hygiene

Speaking in detail on the incident response, Krishna shared an incident where a hacker entered the network of an organisation had demanded a ransom. While the victim organisation went in a ‘bargain mode’ and managed to ‘convince’ the attacker for a lesser price. Little they knew was that the worst was to come. After a few days, the same hacker, again intruded the system and this time had the images of the daughter of the organisation’s Chairman in an obscene manner. 

Krishna explained the audiences on the current threat landscape and how not just attacks, but also the image of the organisation [and the individuals associated with organisation is also tarnished by any data leak.


It is imperative now more than ever to create a cyber-hygiene routine which can prevent cybercriminals from causing security breaches, installing different types of malware and stealing sensitive information and data. Many organisations rely almost exclusively on cybersecurity professionals to carry out day-to-day tasks designed to protect themselves and their end-user’s sensitive data. The participants also witnessed avenues where AI plays a huge role in cyber-attacks. “Today deep-fake can duplicate any real-time incidents without informing the audience what is fake and what is true. Even seasoned professionals find it hard to find out what goes wrong in such situations”, Krishna added.

Later in the question and answers session, Krishna explained in detail on how cyber security is not just a departmental role but a collective responsibility. Introducing the India team of Akati, Krishna also explained how his organisation is focused intensely on Indian market and how they are planning to expand and also hinted about the new solutions that are tailor-made for this part of the world.

Read from Dr Archana Verma


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