
No Indians, Only Americans for Infosys

Infosys plans to hire 10,000 American workers in the next two years.

DQC Bureau
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India's second largest software exporter plans to open four centres in the US, which will focus on technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, with the first centre to be opened in Indiana in 2017.

The Indiana centre is expected to create 2,000 jobs for American workers by 2021, the company said.

Infosys will hire experienced technology professionals and graduates from major universities and local and community colleges to create the talent pool for the future.


Further, the company will replicate its process of hiring engineers and training them on skillsets such as user experience, cloud, artificial intelligence, big data and digital offerings, as well as core technology and computer science skills.

Indiana Governor Eric J. Holcomb in a statement said that Indiana continues to put the tools in place such as the Next Level Trust Fund and incentivising direct flights that allow the state to attract and retain companies like Infosys. There are direct daily flights from India to Indianapolis, the capital of Indiana.

"In addition, our higher education institutions are producing a world-class workforce, establishing Indiana as the innovation hub of the Midwest," he added.


In a telephone interview with Reuters from Indiana, Infosys CEO Vishal Sikka said his company plans to hire American workers in fields such as artificial intelligence.

He said the firm has already hired 2,000 American workers as part of a previous effort started in 2014. “When you think about it from a U.S. point of view, obviously creating more American jobs and opportunities is a good thing,” Sikka said.

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