
SUSE Unveiled Services Fast-Track Customers' Software-Defined Infrastructure

To put customers on the fast track SUSE unveiled SUSE Select Services for its OpenStack cloud and enterprise storage solutions.

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To put customers on the fast track to a software-defined infrastructure, SUSE unveiled SUSE Select Services for its OpenStack cloud and enterprise storage solutions. This fixed-price service offering is a blend of consulting, premium support and knowledge transfer designed to jump-start implementations and integrations of these two key software-defined infrastructure components.
Solutions are implemented quickly and smoothly, easing data center transformation for enterprise customers. After implementation, the Select Services provide proactive maintenance and premium support plus access to a customer success manager who is the customer's advocate within SUSE.
"The pace of business and technology is changing the data center, and many organizations need to review and implement new solutions to stay ahead, and in some cases, catch up," said Kenny Stewart, Vice President of Global SUSE Services. "More than 95 percent of enterprises believe software-defined infrastructure is the future of the data center. SUSE OpenStack Cloud and SUSE Enterprise Storage are important components of that transformation, and with Select Services, we will provide our customers with a cost-effective and flexible path to a fast start in these key software-defined infrastructure technologies. We know that a trusted relationship with dedicated experts ensures long-term success for our customers."
Because no two customers are exactly alike, the Select Services are available via three different tiers featuring increasing levels of service and access. For a single fixed price, organizations can jump-start their software-defined infrastructure implementations with SUSE consultants who will help quickly design and deploy their solutions and provide knowledge transfer to ensure staff have necessary skills.
Systems and solutions will continue to run smoothly with specialists who provide proactive support, monitoring and maintenance checks. As business demands change, customers can continue to maintain access to technical experts and customer advocates.
Al Sadowski, Research Vice President at 451 Research, said, "There is tremendous demand for people with software-defined infrastructure expertise and experience, so finding and retaining talent are among the main challenges for an enterprise deploying OpenStack or Ceph. By providing knowledge transfer and support services, SUSE is helping enterprises build their own skills and expertise and realize a return on software investments more rapidly."
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